
  • Culvert Replacement -- Route 153

    NH DOT has notified the Board of Selectmen that they are replacing a culvert on Route 153 in July.  Although exact dates have not been confirmed, the Board will publicize them as soon as we hear from the DOT. 

    DOT has decided to contract out the job to A.J. Coleman to lift and install the culvert.  According to the DOT, doing so will give the them the ability to shorten the length of the project and return Route 153 to normal traffic flow sooner.

    At the start, DOT is projecting a 5-day closure of Route 153 and will post recommended detour route(s) for those days. 

    The 5-day closure will then give way to single lane traffic conditions until installation of the culvert and road repair is completed.

    We ask all of you to be patient as DOT works to correct the culvert issue.  The Center Conway Fire Department, the Freedom Fire Department, Action Ambulance, and the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department will be notified, prior to commencement of the work. 

    Eaton Selectmen


    The request from Phillip & Naomi Lavori for a Variance to Article V, Section C.4(c) at property located at Ridge Road (R03-011) was APPROVED by the affirmative vote of at least three members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

    Any party to the action of any person directly affected has the right to appeal this decision within 30 days. See NHRSA 677 available at www.

  • Planning Board

    The Planning Board will be meeting with the Board of Selectmen and Conservation Commission on Monday, July 22, 2024 at the Eaton Town Hall beginning at 6:00 pm to discuss the Master Plan.


    Fire permits are required and may be obtained from Dick Fortin (447-2391) or Larry Nash (447-2814).

    Eaton’s Fire Danger Rating Area (FDRA) Designation is “2”

    To get the daily fire danger rating, click here

    To get more information on fire danger or to subscribe to the Daily Fire Weather emails, click here


    Please be advised that fireworks are NOT PERMITTED on Town-owned lands


    Your construction project may require one or more permits from the NH Department of Environmental Services in addition to local permits. For projects that do not require a permit, there may be guidelines that you must follow during construction. It is the responsibility of the property owner and contractor to understand all local, state and federal laws for any given project. This Got Permits? chart is intended to include the most common building project types.